Hello again world !!

It was a while that I did not write but I have been pretty busy these last few weeks, I will show you new things soon. Today, what I want to tell you is my visit to the last Pacthwork International Festival that took place in Sitges this weekend.

It’s been the first time I’ve been in contact with real art works made with fabric and it has been a very exciting and inspiring experience! As you know, for now, I am totally self-taught in this matter and seeing these great pieces made me think about new techniques that I have to apply for future work.

This fair is organized by the Patchwork Spanish Association, it has been organized for many years and since 2005 every year in Sitges. The fair organizes exhibitions, monographic courses, children’s workshops, a trade fair and a contest with a specific theme, which in this edition has been “The colors of the rainbow.” It attracts people from all over the world and in recent years it has reached 15,000 people.

Seeing the works of the competition has been very interesting because I have seen a bit the level and the great variety of techniques and styles that are presented to these types of events. I have a long way to go! but at work you can arrive everywhere. You leave a sample of the winning works and which I found most interesting according to my taste …

The winning works have been:

The best of the Show (LOS COLORES DEL MUNDO. Ana Ramirez. Vilanova del Camí)

Artistic design (ENTRÉ EN UN BUCLE DE COLOR. Montse Forcadell. Cambrils)

Contemporary (ESTALLIDO. Margo Martínez. Villamediana de Iregua)

Visual impact (VIC BANG. Montserrat Coloma. Seva)

Machine quilting ( RAINBOW ROADS. Isabel Muñoz. Pozuelo de Alarcón)

Hand quilting (LA FUERZA DEL VIENTO. María de la O Casamayor. Logroño)

Pictorial (BESITOS DE COLORES. Mª Blanca García. Móstoles)

Traditional (GLOBOS DE COLORES. Araceli Baena. Cambrils)

Prize council AEP (CUM ET IRIS Sandra Ruano. Madrid)

Accesit (De aquí …… Al cielo. Mª Carmen Santamaría. Villaviciosa de Odón)

Accesit (DETROIT. Mª Teresa Rodríguez. Madrid). Personally one of my favorites.

Accesit (FITXES. Jacqueline Bahí. Badalona)

Appliqué (MANDALA BESSONES. Mª Paz Ramos. Benicàssim )

Accesit (El Niño del arco iris. Inmaculada Gabaldón. Villaviciosa de Odón)

Accesit (GETTING ON. Cristina Arcenegui. Alcalá de Guadaira)

Accesit (IBISCOS EN EL ARCO IRIS. Noemí Tanaka Hanamigawa. Japón)

Accesit (LOG CABIN. Mª Del Carmen García. Arucas)

Collective (EL ÁRBOL DE LA AMISTAD Mercedes Llambric Ana Morera Mª ANGELS Solé Susana bellota Joana Franch Concha Berdala Mª Mar Del Río)

Popular voting award (LANZADORA DE MARTILLO AUTORA. Mª Antonia Narro)

Children (Desmuntant l’Arc de Sant Martí de Sitges. Júlia Torrell. 7 anys. Barcelona)

Cadet (L’ Arc de Sant Martí des de la platja. Guillem Serrat. 10 anys. Badalona)

Juvenile (Geometría de arco iris. Sonsoles Ponte. 17 anys. Cartagena)

Collective prize (PINTA EL CIELO. María y Nahia Sevilla. 8 i 10 anys. Tolosa)

In general all the works presented to the competition were of a great level. You have a taste of some others that I also liked:

Another of the most interesting activities has been the exhibitions of many authors with different techniques and styles. With one day I did not have time to go see them all, but I show you the ones that impressed me most:

The exhibition by Katie Pasquini:

The Danny Amazonas exhibition:

From the commercial fair, comment that it was distributed in three tents. You can find shelves with the latest news, a lot of fabrics and tools and kits to create any type of work.

And to finish, if I did not get tired and you’ve come here, I went through Bernina’s booth and there, apart from knowing in person at Alfonso Iriburu (an entrepreneurial woman who teaches us to quilting through of the network) I did with an ally that I hope will accompany me over many years. A Bernina 770 QE !!! I am still not fully assimilated, it will be a great challenge to get to master it and make the most of its infinite possibilities.

And that was all !! I hope you liked this tour of the world of patchwork and the quilting!

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