Hello world!!
Do you want to know what I have in my hands? Continue reading and get to the end that it is where the best is …
It’s been almost 15 days without my sewing machine, and many ideas waiting to go through the machine, but it’s worth more to have patience and that my great ally It is well revised and renewed for a new stage of work.
I took advantage of these two weeks to finish the foundation paper piecing pattern of the Classic International Alphabet, which I hope to make available to you soon. And after elaborating so many paper piecing patterns, this Alphabet and the Modern International Alphabet (which you already have available in the Store) and which in total have been 124 characters and many months of work, I do not want to leave the practice to develop patterns, since I love it a lot and I want to exploit a whole lot of possibilities.
So, in order to continue with the patterns of foundation paper piecing (which you can see exactly what it consists of here), I have set a challenge: to create a pattern every week! What do you think?
The theme for this matter will be animals, but not any animals, I have decided to create an Origami Animal Collection! Origami is a papyroflexy technique, which is based on picking up a sheet of paper and bending to a certain figure. More specifically, what I will do is to take some animal graphics made with this technique, and based on these drawings, I will create the pattern of an animal weekly. This is when I must thank Agne Alesiute, LT for the creation of the Origami Animals Collection and its publicly available make-up of these drawings on the Noun Project platform.
The problem for now is that I can not try the patterns until I have my sewing machine, so if someone experienced in Foundation Paper Piecing wants to become a tester of these patterns that contact me!
To begin the patterns of the Origamis Animals Collection I have decided to start with animals of the sea . Living so close to the sea and the fact that it’s been an important part of my life has made me decide to start here, and what comes first will be a FISH.
I would also like to comment that the patterns will have double version, one in which the figure is formed by large pieces and with a low level of difficulty, for those who want to begin with the technique, and another in which the figure of the animal will be formed by many smaller pieces to play with colors and fabrics.
And here you have it, this is the result of the FISH pattern in the Plain / Easy version:
And this the FISH in the Printed / Intermediate version:
Do you like the idea of the weekly pattern? Would you like to make a blanket/quilt with origami animals? If so, prepare yourself because I intend to open a group on Facebook with people who are interested in paper piecing and want to make these animals. You could start with this fantastic technique, get help when questions arise, and see the workmanship of your classmates … and if you decide to make a quilt in the end you would see the work of the quilting with which I would also help you …
I’ll be happy if you accompany me in this new challenge. When everything is ready I will begin to publish a new pattern every week, and if you can not join the challenge and you want to see photos of the patterns and the elaborations made with these patterns I invite you to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
How many ideas come to mind with these patterns transformed into fabric, squares, pillows, or a quilt full of origami animals … how many possibilities!
Do you like the idea? would you join the challenge? Leave me your comment and I will know what you think…
See you soon, friends!