To swing is one of those activities that we enjoy and accompany us throughout our lives. Since we are in our mother’s womb, we are continually swinging by following their movements at all times. This movement helps us find peace when we are recent creatures coming to this world and we need the security that gives us the mother’s contact as a reminder of that prenatal atmosphere. As we grow to swing is one of the most sought after entertainment for children. Do we dance a little? Already adults, in a world that runs a lot, a bit of hammock or swinging in the fresh air helps us to turn our senses and feelings into place. And who does not remember the grabparents sitting on the rocking chair with the peace and tranquility of old age …

Yes, today it’s going about swings…

Ever since my daughter was born I chose the option of making our life as natural as possible, trying as much as possible to opt for toys of recycled materials, wood, cloth and all those who helped connect with ours essence. When she was older enought to star swinging, I looked for swings adapted to small children and all the options that were presented were plastic, so, finding myself the beginnings of my sewing adventure, I decided to build a fabric swing.

And what a success! It has been one of the most used home-made entertainment, both for her and for her younger brother, who every day asks to do “ninon”, never get tired!

For its elaboration, I searched for patterns on the network and adapted it to suit our needs. The assembly is relatively simple. I plan to upload to the blog the patterns that I use in case someone is encouraged to make one. And with some loneta, some wood and a rope we built a swing that now has more than two years and continues to give as much joy as the first day.

As a result of the success we had in ours, and from my attempt to avoid commercialism that invades us on all sides, the swings have been one of my creations that when making a gift to friends or relatives I have chosen on several occasions. I hope you have given and give as many good times as they have done for us.

At first, you can see I chose instead of using a plain fabric to decorate a loneta with a dull color with some animals. I have no pictures of the swing uploader but you can see the details of the applications.

The following was for a birthday present for a friend of my daughter’s desk.

And the last one I have produced has been to give our little friend who’s one year ago and has the ideal age for this type of swing. In this case I also elaborated it with a plain fabric decorated with various insects …

And since this type of fun does not have to be exclusively for the younger ones, here I show you the photos of an adult hammock chair that I made last summer as a result of a special request and that, taking advantage of the confidence that exists there I had allowed myself to experiment and do my first attempts to paint on canvas stamping stripes on the outside and some flowers on the inside. Despite being a little experiment, I think that finally a good result came out and I hope that it has also given and gives many good moments of relaxation and serenity.

And it’s practically the end of summer! I had to take advantage of this summer to show you many things and I’ve had the time flying. Let’s see if at the beginning of the school year I can update the blog with all my creations and find time to do new ones … I have so many ideas that I do not know where to begin! If you want to receive an email every time you upload a new post and do not miss out on my news, you can subscribe to my blog.

Very good summer end all !!!

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7 years ago

M’encanta, com sempre!!!!

7 years ago

Soc joana, la mare d’en Jaume. Moltes gracies per l’engronssadora, en Jaume esta encantat, els dibuixos son molt encertats, en definitiva un disseny increible que enamora als mes petits i grans!! Segueix endavant perque estic convençuda de que totes les teves creacions seran un exit! Una abraçada i molt de petons per la teva familia!!!

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