Hola again!
What a exciting week! On Monday, the launch of the Sea Creature pattern, the last pattern of the Origami Animals Collection and today the launch of a new pattern from the collaboration with the Cosidores Mallorca, the FARO, a foundation paper piecing pattern designed to help those who want to learn the technique.
No coneixeu les Cosidores Mallorca? Elles són un grup d’amants de la costura que va néixer a finals de 2017 quan una d’elles es va interessar per trobar altres cosidores a Mallorca i un any més tard van crear un perfil d’Instagram. Ara ja són moltes i fan activitats mensuals de Cosim Juntes i quedades per cosir juntes algún cap de setmana. Amb la pandèmia han hagut de canviar la manera de fer, però segueixen tant actives com sempre i creant meravelles.
Don’t know the Cosidores Mallorca group? They are a group of sewing lovers that was born at the end of 2017 when one of them became interested in finding other sewers in Mallorca and a year later they created an Instagram profile. Now, there are many and they do monthly activities like Sewing Togethers and and Sewing Weekends. With the pandemic, they have had to change the way they do things, but they are still as active as ever and creating wonderful projects.
I can say that I am part of the group and no. I am a sewer from Mallorca and I feel very close to them, but since my seams are so different from theirs, I don’t usually participate with their stays but I follow them very closely in everything they do!
And you can’t imagine how happy they made me when a couple of months ago Angela Mas, now at the head of the group, contacted me asking if I would like to make a paper piecing pattern for an activity in the summer! What a thrill! Of course I want to make the pattern, and I was so excited that in two days it was done!
I was asked to make a pattern related to Mallorca and after trying options like a sea snail or a boat I thought that the thing was going too complicated and I had to look for something easier, and so came the idea of the lighthouse. A building that for me has been present all my life (the lighthouse of Portocolom) and that allowed me to make an ideal pattern for beginners. And what do you think, do you like it?
The pattern is for making a 8″ (20 cm) square block, and is ideal for getting started in the Foundation Paper Piecing technique. For those who do not know the technique, Angela has made a tutorial with the pattern of the lighthouse (in Spanish) which you can download from the website of Cosidores Mallorca. It will certainly not be difficult for you to make this block and we hope that it awakens in you the desire to continue sewing with this technique.
The pattern can be downloaded for free until September 4, the day blocks made with this pattern must be published. And you can download it in 3 languages: English, Spanish and Catalan.
It is a tradition for Cosidores Mallorca to all publish the projects of a specific activity on the same day, so remember that!
Publishing blocks date is September 4th! Use the hashtags you will find in the pattern and tag us, @amarar_creacions and @cosidoresmallorca
Here is a window where you can color the pattern to get an idea of what the result will look like after sewing it. If you sign up for QuiltInk you can save your colour versions to your account as well as color and share colourm versions of all the patterns you can find there.
Here I am if you have any questions about the Foundation Paper Piecing technique or about the pattern, you can contact via the contact form, by email (amararcreacions@gmail.com) or via instagram, @amarar_creacions.

Block sewn by: @la_caja_de_angela
And all that remains is to wish you all a very good summer full of good seams and be ready for September 4th with your FARO!
Per nosaltres és un luxe poder colaborar amb tu!!!!
I a jo m’encata poder crear aquest patró per vosaltres! Ja fris de veure totes els Fars que sortiran d’aquests gran grup de cosidores. Moltes gràcies per confiar en jo! quina emoció!