After a long time without making any entries to the blog, it’s time to update jobs that have been made in recent months.

When I started thinking about how to introduce the quilt that I want to show today, I thought of the first song from the movie The Lion King, which we have seen so many times in our home, The Circle of Life. Music and lyrics full of energy to welcome a new creature to this world. If you do not know it, I suggest you listen to it.

A few months ago I received a very special order, to prepare an object to give a couple waiting for a new member of the family. After thinking a lot I decided to do an artistic quilt, a memory for the parents of this stage so full of enthusiasm.

As you will know those who have been lucky to go through this stage of life and you can imagine those who do not, the time when a new life is played is not only enthralled with enthusiasm, but for an avalanche of emotions and feelings of all kinds ranging from happiness and love to fears and uncertainties, a whole bunch of states that come and go like storms and sunny days. This fact inspired me to create a work with a background that would cover the whole range of colors, as if it were a collection of this roller coaster.

But I needed some element to help connect all these colors to motherhood, so I decided to apply a drawing with black cloth on the colored background of a father and a pregnant mother. Symbolically the creature that is expected is represented with a red heart as a sign of vitality, courage and courage. And in the form of echo there is also a heart that surrounds the whole family as a symbol of love that keeps them united.

In the case of quilts, the top, that is, the upper fabric that contains the drawing is only part of the final finish, the quilting is the spark that ignites it and makes life and movement charge. On this occasion I decided to try something new, quilting with nylon monofilament thread, a transparent thread that helps me not to distort the variety of colors in the bottom. I had to fight a lot because I was very thin, strong, ill-sighted and hard to handle, but after the battle of the first contact I managed to tame it and quilted the entire quilt with pebbles a spiral staircase in between.

And as a last resort I put all the quilt on a wooden board to give it consistency and hang it on the wall, with a square with approximate sizes of about 37cm x 37cm.

And here is the final result. I hope you liked it and the recipients would enjoy it, always reminding them of this stage of life.

These last days have been moments of great thinking in life and its entire cycle. A close relative passed out and he marked many moments of my childhood, and I have very good memories, and at the time I have learned about new ways of struggle and new life expectancy. All this reminded me of the ephemeral thing that is our existence in this world and how we must fight every day with courage and strength to achieve our dreams and live the life we ​​really want.

If you are interested in a quilt of this kind you can see more details here or contact me!!!

We see again soon that I have many new things to show you !!

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Xisca Gilart
Xisca Gilart
7 years ago

M’agrada tant l’obra textil com la seva descripció. Molt emotiu i ple de sensibilitat.

Francisca Obrador
Francisca Obrador
7 years ago

Som sa mare d’en Lluís, qui va rebre, juntament amb na Joana, aquesta meravellosa obra.
Per a mi, la meravella no només es troba en la simfonia de colors i en les diferents i divertides textures, sinó també en la seva interioritat: com si es tractés del joc de les pepes xineses (que van encaixant-se). Cada una és per a ella mateixa, però formant amb harmonia part d’un tot.

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